2017 SCLC Presidents Reception & Vendor Dinner Report
Posted at 2:05 PM on Apr 10, 2017
By Jack Thornburg, Chair
Number tickets sold: We sold 155 vendor dinner tickets and served 250 (95 hoisted meals)
Venue: Fusaro Hall, Shasta District Fairgrounds
Catering by: LuLu’s Catering, Great Prime Rib & Chicken Dinner
Entertainment: AUHSD Jazz Band during Happy Hour.

This was the first year to hold a Wine Pull Raffle it brought in $500.00. The raffle prizes were given away on numbered wine bottles in the wine pull.
1st Wine Barrel BBQ
2nd Columbia Helicopters Carhart Embroidered Jacket
3rd $50 Gift Certificate to C.R. Gibbs
4th Gift Basket from Cattlemen’s Restaurant
5th Dinner for Two at LuLu’s Restaurant
This was the 2nd year to have a 50/50 Raffle it brought in $117.00 and paid out $60.00 to the winner. The food was excellent and the dinner was well attended. LuLu’s did all the table set up and no-host bar. We put the magnets on the tables again for a give- away.
Sponsors: Columbia
Helicopters Inc., Hatcher Winery, Newsome-Harlow Winery, Tubit
Enterprise Inc. and Robinson Enterprises Inc. and Indian Peak Vineyard