2021 SCLC President's Message: March Update
Posted at 11:30 AM on Mar 12, 2021

Message from President Delbert Gannon:
It is very important to the Sierra-Cascade Logging Conference to move forward with our Annual Education Auction, beginning April 17, 2021. This event supports our SCLC scholorships and educational events, as well as funding numerous valued forest industry educational programs. It has become increasingly difficult to find a venue that can host our Annual Education Auction with certitude, given COVID-19 constrants. In order to maintain the level of excellence our members have come to expect, we will be hosting an ONLINE EDUCATION AUCTION WITH CERTAINTY... April 17-18, 2021.
The date of the Education Auction will be extended to accommodate this new and exciting platform. The SCLC Online Auction will open for bidding at 9:00am Saturday, April 17th, and run through Sunday, April 18th, closing at 6:00pm. Bidders will have plenty of time to win those once-in-a-lifetime items, only found at the SCLC Education Auction from the comfort of your home... or participate in this event with a family or business group gathering. We will be utilizing the EZ2bid platform, so if you participated in the ACL Online Auction you're already a registered bidder. Look for more specific Auction details coming soon!
It is with regret that we will not be holding the Annual Lumberjack Banquet. We wish to maintain the integrity and quality of our event, and provide concrete information we have control over, all while keeping the health and comfort of our members at the forefront of our decision. ("This is how we do it!")
Contact Kathie Muse (530) 222-1290 or [email protected] if you have any questions, or need more information.
The 2021 Sierra-Cascade Logging Conference is still on at the Anderson District Fairgrounds May 20-22, 2021.

Delbert Gannon, 2021 SCLC President