SCLC 2023 Gin-Fizz Breakfast Keynote Speaker
Posted at 1:30 PM on Dec 13, 2022
The Sierra-Cascade Logging Conference's annual Gin-Fizz breakfast is fast approaching! We're excited to share the Keynote Speaker for the 2023 event -- Willie Whittlesey!

Willie Whittlesey, General Manager of Yuba Water Agency’s operations and management, including flood risk reduction, hydropower generation, energy sales, water rights, water supply and more.
Prior to joining Yuba Water, Whittlesey spent 13 years with Pacific Gas & Electric’s landand hydro generation departments and six years in private forest management. Whittlesey graduated from Humboldt State University with a bachelor’s degree inforestry and is a Registered Professional Forester in California.
Having grown up in the Sierra Nevada foothills, Whittlesey is also passionate about using his role at Yuba Water to help accelerate the pace and scale of forest management and is leading efforts to protect the Yuba River watershed from catastrophic fire through innovative partnerships, programs and projects.